Client Services Review

Client Services Review

by Onyinyechi Muilenburg

1.) How did you first hear about Hirsch & Westheimer P.C.?
Previous experienceWord-of-mouth referralSearch engine (Google, Yahoo, etc)LinkedInOther
If other:

2.) Was it easy or difficult to make initial contact?

3.) How satisfied were you with the outcome of your case?
Very SatisfiedSatisfiedUnsatisfied

4.) How satisfied are you with our legal services?
Very SatisfiedSatisfiedUnsatisfied

5.) Please name the attorney that handled your case*

6.) Can you leave a review or testimonial about the attorney that handled your case?

Please select if we have your permission to use your responses (anonymously) in our marketing materials. We’ll only use this information internally and we won’t share it with any third parties.