February 23, 2015by Onyinyechi Muilenburg Be Careful What You Ask For: The Supreme Court Reverses A Jury Verdict Because Of An Improper Spoliation Instruction.
July 1, 2014by Onyinyechi Muilenburg Federal District Court UCC Ruling: UCC 3-405 Applies to Employee of Non-Issuing Third-Party
April 21, 2014by Erick Escamilla Cyber-Attacks on Automated Teller Machine and Card Authorization Systems and Distributed Denial of Service Attacks: How Should a Financial Institution Manage Such Threats?
January 10, 2014by Onyinyechi Muilenburg Recent Case of Interest Reiterating the Requirement For A STARS (“Structured Trust Advantaged Repackaged Securities”) Loan.
December 26, 2013by Onyinyechi Muilenburg How Should a Financial Institution Handle Social Media? Navigating the Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council’s Consumer Compliance Risk Management Guidance for Social Media
November 13, 2013by Erick Escamilla 8th Circuit Bankruptcy Appellate Panel Clarifies ‘Embezzlement’ Exception To Discharge
October 11, 2013by Erick Escamilla “Golden Parachute” Severances and Violations of the Federal Deposit Insurance Act