Referral Source Survey

Referral Source Survey

by Onyinyechi Muilenburg

1.) I am satisfied with the services given to my clients/referrals.
Very SatisfiedSatisfiedUnsatisfied

2.) Communications from our attorney(s) are informative and helpful.

3.) Our team was informative and helpful.

4.) How did you first hear about Hirsch & Westheimer P.C.?
Previous experienceWord-of-mouth referralSearch engine (Google, Yahoo, etc)LinkedInOther
If other:
*For question 5, please select the number you feel best answers each statement about the legal services you received from the following options:
1-Strongly Disagree; 2-Disagree; 3-No Opinion; 4-Agree; 5-Strongly Agree

5.) I would recommend Hirsch & Westheimer to someone else if they needed legal help or advice.

6.) Which of the following are the MOST important to you in referring a law firm?
Please choose your top 5. (hold CTRL+selection to choose multiple)

7.) What does Hirsch & Westheimer do particularly well that should be continued?

8.) Are there individual H&W team members that deserve special recognition for exemplary service?

9.) How does Hirsch & Westheimer compare to other law firms you currently use or have used in the past? -- *For this question, use the following options: 1-Worse; 2-About the Same; 3-Better

10.) Do you have any further comments or suggestions that may help us to improve our level of service?

Please select if we have your permission to use your responses (anonymously) in our marketing materials. We’ll only use this information internally and we won’t share it with any third parties.